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Childhood Anxiety
What Does it Look Like?
Frequent complaints of headaches or stomachaches
Muscles constantly tensed
Can become restless, fidgety, hyperactive, or distracted
Trouble sleeping
Won't use restrooms unless at home
Refuses to eat snacks or lunch at school
Starts to shake or sweat in intimidating situations
Cries often
Is afraid of making minor mistakes
Obsessive thoughts or behaviors, such as finger tapping, hand washing, etc.
Having tantrums or meltdowns
Extreme test anxiety
Extremely sensitive
Becomes grouchy or angry for no reason
Has phobias
Asks, "What if?" constantly
Refuses to go to school
Isolates self
Refuses to speak to others
Overly seeks approval from parents or friends
Avoids social situations with peers, such as birthday parties, sleepovers, or play dates
Says, "I cant do it!" without a real reason
How Anxiety Feels to a Kid
Meet Avery! She is a wonderfully brave 8-year-old who volunteered to tell us what anxiety feels like to her. Most children struggle with describing what anxiety is like for them and what they need from others to feel better. Not all children can describe it in the same way Avery does here, but hopefully you can learn more about what the kids in your life feel when they are anxious and how you can help!
Want to learn more about parenting kids with anxiety? Check out this article!
6 things mental health experts wish parents knew about raising kids with anxiety
How to Help
Your Child Cope:
Techniques to Manage Anxiety
Write it out - Throw it out: Have your child write out their fear and then throw it away. This gives your child the ability to control their fear and anxiety by physically tossing it away.
Talk to your worry: Create a worry doll, or have your child talk to their worry as if it was a separate person. This way, your child can express negative thoughts without feeling like they are attacking themselves.
Self-soothe: Have your child hold their own hands or rub their ears. This activates the nervous system in a way that increases the release of oxytocin, affectionately known as the cuddle chemical. This chemical can give feelings of safety to children and even adults!
Use the body: Have your child stretch or do yoga. This allows them to have more control over their body and understand it and where the worry affects them!
Nature & Natural Healing: Take your child outside to experience nature. This activity helps ground your child and expose them to tangible things instead of non-physical things such as worry.