We can get you growing!

The COS is an evidence-based intervention/prevention program that aims to promote positive parenting, increase child attachment security, and prevent child maltreatment. It is one of the most widely used and successful parenting interventions, and is used around the world. For more information about the COS, please see this website: www.circleofsecurity.org
"I've went from having a strained relationship with my toddlers to having an open, loving relationship with them from attending this group."
- Past Participant

Jahleh Mohammadi
Ashley Lawton
Craig Gilkey

What can I expect?
It is an eight week program that meets once a week for an hour and a half. All caregivers are invited to participate, which include biological parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, grandparents, etc. There will be one male and one female parent/caregiver group each time I am running the groups. The more caregivers that we can get through this training, the more they and their children would benefit and cycles of maltreatment could end.
Check out the video above to meet the
Circle of Security facilitator in Oswego, Jahleh!
From the Circle of Security website:
“Video clips of parents and children were developed to introduce parents to attachment theory in an accessible manner. Parents are provided an opportunity to enhance their observational and inferential skills, and invited to engage in reflective dialogue regarding their strengths and struggles in parenting. Over the course of eight sessions, the focus of the intervention moves from discussing secure attachment and children's needs, to the more vulnerable process of parents reflecting on themselves and the defensive behaviors that maintain insecure and disorganized attachment”

What Past Participants Have Said:
Watch Ashley discuss her experience in the group!
"I like that it is a judge free zone. And the instructor is awesome! I really think everybody who has kids should take this class."

"I really enjoyed Circle of Security. I learned so much about myself and helping my child in appropriate ways. I would recommend this class to everyone, parent or not. There is so much anyone could take from this class."
"Circle of Security is a group I would highly recommend to any parent. It's a great place for parents of all backgrounds to get together and learn more about their children and in the process, learn more about themselves."

Still unsure?
Want to know more?
Send Jahleh a message!